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Integrin alpha 9 beta 1

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Cat . Non Espèces Description du produit Structure Pureté Caractéristique
IT1-H52W4 Human Human Integrin alpha 9 beta 1 (ITGA9&ITGB1) Heterodimer Protein, His Tag&Tag Free
ACRO Quality

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Integrin alpha 9 beta 1,ITGA9 & ITGB1


Integrin alpha 9 beta 1 is one of twelve integrin family adhesion receptors that share the beta 1 (CD29) subunit. It is the non-covalent heterodimer of 150 kDa alpha 9 and 130 kDa beta 1 type I transmembrane glycoprotein subunits. The  integrin alpha 9 beta 1 mediates cell adhesion to tenascin-C and VCAM-1 by binding to sequences distinct from the common integrin-recognition sequence, arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD). A thrombin-cleaved NH(2)-terminal fragment of osteopontin containing the RGD sequence has recently been shown to also be a ligand for integrin alpha 9 beta 1.

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